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[컨베이어벨트 주문제작 전문업체] 벨트컨베이어 제작

2013. 9. 9. 15:58


오늘은 저희 대화콘베어가 제작해서 납품한 벨트컨베이어가 적용된 곳의 사진들을 모아봤습니다. 

맛모아 식품에 납품된 벨트 컨베이어입니다.


위 주소 클릭하시면 관련 글을 보실 수 있어요.

택배승하차장에서 활용되고 있는 롤러컨베이어+벨트컨베이어입니다.


여기서 이 제품의 사진을 보실 수 있는데 화물차가 정차하는 위치 때문에

이렇게 긴 거리를 컨베이어로 물품을 옮기니 편하겠죠^^

벨트컨베이어 부분인데,

다양하게 사업장에 맞춰 제작하고 있습니다.

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Super Hyclean nominated for Food Processing Awards 2022!

Habasit UK are delighted to have been shortlisted as a finalist within the ‘Hygiene and Food Safety’ category at this year’s Food Processing Awards 2022. We are proud to celebrate Habasit’s ‘Super HyCLEAN’ belting solution being contenders for this prestigious award.
Check out how to submit your vote


Bakery belting needs covered at IBIE 2022

IBIE, the International Baking Industry Exposition, opens its doors in Las Vegas from September 17th to 21st. Habasit Experts are looking forward to seeing you at this largest industry event in the Northern Hemisphere. Visit us at booth #5319 and discover the belting solutions that have all your bakery needs covered.


Optmized conveyor cleaning with Habasit's hygienic CIP device

New, hassle-free and efficient cleaning in place solution delivered by Habasit is a plug and play system that can be easily installed on almost any conveyor.


Moving smarter with Habasit at Package Fulfilment Expo

Habasit brings energy-efficient, low-noise, and dependable belting solutions to Cincinnati for Package Fulfilment, Logistics & Delivery Expo on July 13th and 14th.


Overcoming challenges caused by non-conveyable parcels

How a new generation of roller plates can speed up the processing and transport of large, heavy, and irregularly shaped parcels


Innovation in action at Tire Technology Expo 2022

Habasit tire industry solutions: outstanding quality, proven innovation, and true customization


Keeping pace with work

In recent years, there have been a series of studies revealing the many health risks associated with too much sitting. The link between being deskbound and the danger of disease are so startling that some experts are calling sitting the new smoking. Prolonged inactivity has even been connected to heart disease and some types of cancer.


Can polyamide (PA) rods be used in a wet environment?

People often ask if Polyamide (PA) rods can be used in a wet environment. The answer is no, it is not the best material for a wet environment, but in today’s blog, I will briefly explain why.


Habasit meets EU hygiene requirements for food conveyor belts

All belt material intended to come into contact with food must meet certain EU requirements. Habasit stays informed of all current protocols concerning food conveyor and processing belts.

Customer stories

Uniform belt weight is essential in check weighing application

Customer stories

Poultry Producer saves 63 hours of downtime per year and more than $84k

Customer stories

Uniform belt weight is essential in check weighing application


In Pursuit of Pure Poultry

Poultry consumption is on the rise. Even with 65 billion chickens consumed each year, the creature still outnumbers the population of any other bird on the planet with sheds housing 20,000 to 40,000 chicks at a time.


How to save energy and reduce running costs

Would you like to reduce the running costs of your facility? The answer is probably yes. If you also want to protect the environment by saving energy, here’s a tip.


How to save energy and reduce running costs

Would you like to reduce the running costs of your facility? The answer is probably yes. If you also want to protect the environment by saving energy, here’s a tip.

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